Sudahkah anda berselawat hari ini? Tahu tak, seorang alim pada zaman dahulu pernah berkata, "Aku tahu bila akan Allah berselawat kepadaku". Orang ramai terkejut lalu bertanya, "Ya sheikh, mengapakah kamu jadi begitu bongkak seolah-olah kamulah tuhan?" Lalu dia menjawab, "Sesungguhnya apabila seorang hamba berselawat kepada nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sekali, maka Allah akan berselawat kepadanya 10 kali".

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Jom ke Pesta Buku!!!

Mulai esok, satu pesta buku akan diadakan di PWTC sehinggalah 6 Feb ini. So, kepada mahasiswa/i sekalian, gunakanlah kesempatan ini untuk menggunakan baucer buku 1Malaysia anda dgn sebaiknya. Lagi2, ada potongan buku sehingga 70%!!!

By the way, kedai yang menerima baucer buku ialah
  • Dynamic
  • Boarder
  • Arena Ilmu
  • A/C Book Sdn Bhd
  • Syarikat My Booksore Sdn Bhd } Buku terbitan UNIMAS sahaja dengan potongan 10%
  • Uniworld Bookstore (kota Samarahan) } Buku terbitan UNIMAS sahaja dengan potongan 10%
  • MPH
  • Kinokuniya
  • PTS
  • Syarikat Muda Osman
  • Popular Bookstore
Expired date baucer buku : 31 Mac 2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Review Produk: Samsung Corby II

Antara spesifikasinya ialah:
1) Boleh touchscreen
2) Wi-Fi Available
3) 2.0 MP camera
4) Bluetooth
5) FM radio, MP3
6) Harga pasaran: RM299.00

Handset ni  kalau kat Terminal Satu Seremban yang saya tgk semalam, kebanyakan harga yang dijual range dari RM270-RM299. Apa yang membuatkannya mempunyai harga yang berbeza ialah kerana mempunyai memori yang berbeza, ada yang jual pada RM299 beserta 2GB memori (ni yang tingkat bawah seremban parade), dan ade juga yang jual pada RM288 untuk memori yang sama dan ada juga yang jual pada harga RM270 (yang ni pulak kat tingkat atas). Yang RM299 untuk 4GB memori pun ada. Itu semua depend pada cara marketing kedai masing-masing. So, kalau nak yang murah, kenalah survey sket dr kedai ke kedai, dr satu floor ke satu floor yang lain, mcm yang kami buat semalam (semalam teman kawan cari henset ni).

Tawar-menawar pun penting jugak tu tyme nak beli benda ni. Kami pun bukan main jugak bargain semalam, tp bro tu degil sgtlah, last dapat RM270 + tinted screen + 2GB. Tu je yang kami dapat. Ok lah tu. Yang tinted ni pun ade ceritanya, tyme dah nk beli tu, sbnanya kami dapat pd RM265 tanpa tinted. Lepas tu, bro cina tu pon offer la tinted ni pada harga RM15. Offer katanya. Padahal, yang bro cina sorang lagi sebelum tu da tawarkan henset ni plus tinted screen pada RM270.  Naseb baek x kena tipu, hua3.

So, kpd anda semua, terutama stdent2, rasenye hnset ni affordable and reasonable la for you allz. Murah, boleh tahan la dgn touchscreennya, dan wi-finya. Nnt senang la nk online kt kampus nnt. X yah cri yang mahal2 sgt, yang ni ok da kot, elegant dll. Applicationnya pun ok ape?  Jgn nk penuhi sgt keperluan tahsiniyyat anda tu.

Cume, satu je kelemahan dia (mengikut apa yang kwn saya cerita), tyme nk taip tu susah sket la. Macam kne tekan2 sket, baru keluar huruf tu. Tp, overall dia puas hati gak la dgn hnset ni. Ni kalau dulu, xdenye dpt  henset cmni pd hrge ni, tp dsebabkan teknologi yang semakin ke hadapan, dgn android dsb, untungla skg.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Giveaway Wang Kertas Baharu @ Sharinginfoz


Ni ada contest giveaway dari sebuah blog.. dan hadiahnya berupa... WANG KERTAS BAHARU!! Anyway, this is the first time I join such a contest.. Huhu, hope that luck will be on my side this time... Amen..

Nak sertai? Ni link dia. Cepat la, tutup 12 malam ni..

Slogan saya: Saya mahu wang kertas baharu kerana saya mahu angpow raya cina dari Sharinginfoz...!! Ngeh3..

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Kaitan Sifat Zuhud dengan Keadaan Ekonomi

Wow.. Tajuk yang menarik ni. Mula-mula dengar ni dari mulut seorang ustaz yang mengajar di sebuah masjid, mindaku terus terfikir, ada kaitan ke antara kedua-dua ni? Macam mana boleh sifat zuhud mempengaruhi keadaan ekonomi semasa? Erm, curiosity increased....

So, jawapannya ialah.... Sebelum tu, meh saya terangkan dulu tentang tiga tahap keperluan manusia yang saya pelajari dalam konsep muamalah. (ni subjek yang saya baru exam pagi tadi...)

Humans' needs form Islamic perspectives:

  1. Dharuriyyah - basic needs such as foods, clothings and housings.
  2. Haajiyyat - when a society fulfilled the basic needs, the next needs is related to the better food, clothing etc and middle class people usually can afford to satisfy this need.
  3. Tahsiniyyat - needs for wealth and perfectness
Seperti yang difahami, orang yang zuhud biasanya akan menjauhi dirinya daripada perkara haajiyyat apatah lagi perkara tahsiniyyat.

Berbalik kepada sistem ekonomi yang agak tenat baru-baru ini, kita dikejutkan dengan hutang U.S sebanyak USD14trillion yang cukup mustahil untuk dilangsaikan. Krisis kewangan Greece juga semakin memuncak apabila diisytihar sebagai muflis sehingga tidak mampu untuk membayar gaji kakitangan kerajaan, keadaan kewangan yang cukup tenat ekoran bebanan hutang yang melampau tinggi ditambah dengan keengganan Bank Dunia dan Kesatuan Eropah untuk menyalurkan dana untuk menstabilkan keadaan kewangan semasa di sana. 

Apa yang dapat kita lihat, sistem ekonomi dunia menjadi tenat akibat daripada hutang. Ya, HUTANG!! Walaupun pada hakikatnya hutang tidak dapat dielakkan dan amat penting juga untuk membangunkan ekonomi, ianya mestilah pada kadar yang tidak terlalu tinggi kerana apabila sudah terlalu tinggi, gawat dik oii..

So, kerana apa orang berhutang? Ask yourself.. Tidak lain tidak kerana hendak memenuhi keperluan tahsiniyyat yang akhirnya menyebabkan kita berbelanja melebihi keperluan. Negara-negara dunia ini pula semuanya berlumba-lumba membina pelbagai binaan-binaan yang moden yang sudah pasti memerlukan dana yang besar termasuklah bangunan pencakar langitnya, dan lain-lain struktur binaan yang mahal. Asyik dok kejar pembangunan fizikal. Bangunan semua tinggi-tinggi, besar-besar dll. Contohnya di Malaysia juga. Kalau di sebuah negeri itu tiada pembangunan, terus dituduh sebagai mundur dsb. Tahu berapa hutang negara sekarang? RM500 billion beb. Banyak tuu. Semuanya akibat hutang dan juga ketirisan dan penyelewangan projek kerajaan. 

Gambar Hiasan
Namun ketahuilah, negeri yang dikatakan miskin itulah yang sebenarnya betul2 telah mengamalkan Islam. Walaupun Kelantan agak mundur dari segi pembangunan fizikal, ianya adalah selaras dengan basic needs yang mampu ditanggungnya. Dengan usaha kerajaan negeri yang berusaha melangsaikan hutang lapuk kerajaan BN, saya cukup yakin SEKIRANYA Malaysia mengalami krisis kewangan hingga hampir muflis, Kelantan pasti tidak akan mengalami nasib yang sama. Ditambah dengan ura2 usaha kerajaan negeri untuk melangsaikan hutang lapuk PTPTN rakyat negeri, rakyat Kelantan haruslah bersyukur bahawa anda mempunyai sebuah kerajaan yang cukup menjaga kebajikan rakyat and this is what we call Welfare State!!

p/s: Kepada guru2 atau lecturer2 yang mengajar subjek muamalah atau ekoonomi dan yg sama waktu dengannya, jgn lupa selitkan pkara2 sebegini.. Because i didnt get this from a lecture hall but from a prayer hall!!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

UKM student bags coveted US Actuarial Scholarship Award


This is an article that I got from a friend. I found it really amazing, so wanna to share this here. Hopefully, I can also achieve what he had already done especially in passing the society's exam and being a good muslim actuary. Ameen. Hopefully, all other muslim actuary students would be more passionate and work harder to beat them. 

BANGI, 2 September 2010 – A final-year actuarial  science student of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has done the university proud by bagging the John Culver Wooddy Scholarship award of the Actuarial Foundation of the United States of America.
Kelvin Yeong Song Bor, 22, is among 13 students from around the world who are recognized with the coveted award of US$2,000 after sitting for an actuarial examination conducted by the Illinois-based Actuarial Society last April.
He  followed the footsteps of  Tang Khai Sheng the first winner from UKM, who was also recognized for his achievements in the examinations of the society last year. Tang is now working with Bank Negara.
Kelvin, the eldest son of a carpenter and a housewife in Mentakab, Pahang, is the second actuarial science student of UKM to win the award. 
Apart from the US, the other students who won the awards come from Canada, Ghana and the United Kingdom.
The Actuarial Foundation, in a statement said it was  pleased to announce that the National University of Malaysia student Yeong Song Bor is a recipient of the Foundation’s John Culver Wooddy Scholarship. Bor, who was awarded $2,000 is the only recipient from Malaysia and joins 12 other students from around the world recognized with this prestigious scholarship. 
Kelvin told UKM News Portal  he applied to the society to vie for the award with the help and encouragement of Assoc. Prof Noriszura Ismail, who was then the Head of the Actuarial Science Programme of the School of Mathematics Science.
Apart from the recommendation of Assoc Prof Noriszura and his UKM academic results, he said the other important factor in bagging the award was his results in the society’s examination. Kelvin had sat and passed five out of 10 of the examinations conducted by the Actuarial Society. 
He said his aim is to be accepted as a Fellow of the society. For the moment, he needed to sit and pass two more examinations to be accepted as an Associate Fellow.  
Kelvin who has two younger brothers and a younger sister, said he planned to use the award money to sit for the other examinations and probably do his Masters later on. 
“The money will help to pay for my examinations which are rather expensive. It is also a recognition for all my hard work at UKM,”  said the alumnus of Hwa Lian High School in Mentakab. 
He plans to work with an insurance company after his graduation next year. “That is what an actuary actually does…. Calculating insurance risks and premiums in an insurance company,” he said, adding that the field is very specific and limited since there are only 16 insurance companies in the country. 
Kelvin who has won an OCBC Bank bond-free scholarship since his 2nd year with UKM, took a study leave to go to North-Central University in Illinois as an exchange student for nine months under a state department scholarship. 
Meanwhile, Assoc Prof Noriszura said she is very proud of Kelvin and that he won the coveted award because of his co-curriculum and academic achievements. 
She is very proud of her actuarial science students as it is a professional course and the students have to take the professional papers set by the US society.
“Half of the class passed at least one paper last year, “ she said, adding that the others did not sit for the examination partly because the fees were expensive and partly because they were not ready for it. The exams were conducted in Kuala Lumpur at a fee of RM500 or more, depending on the level.
“The best result we had was last year when five of our students passed all the five papers!” she said, stressing that the performance was certainly among the best in the world.  In 2007 and 2008, only one UKM student passed all five papers in one year.
Assoc Prof Noriszura said from UKM’s experience, the earliest an actuarial science student can pass all 10 papers of the society is two years after graduation. This is probably because the last paper is the toughest and most comprehensive, lasting six hours when the student would have to resolve real-time problems with some actual work experience. 
She pointed out that UKM’s actuary science students were a cut above the others because their entry points were higher.  “Sometimes, they get bored with us if we are slow,” she said.

Credit to Kuah Guan Oo

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Result MUET Akhir Tahun 2011 : UPDATE TERKINI

Check keputusan MUET anda.
1) Melalui SMS. Taip MUET[no k/p] ke 15888 mulai jam 12.01 tgh malam 12 Jan 2012
2) Online di laman web MPM mulai jam 9.00 pagi 12 Jan 2012



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